Frances Crofts Darwin

English poetess
She was the daughter of the botanist Francis Darwin and Newnham College fellow Ellen Wordsworth Crofts (1856-1903), and born into the Darwin—Wedgwood family. She was a granddaughter of the British naturalist Charles Darwin. Her older half-brother was the golf writer Bernard Darwin. She was brought up in Cambridge, among a dense social network of aunts, uncles, and cousins, and was educated privately. Because of the similarity of her first name, her father's and her husband's, she was known to her family before her marriage as "FCD" and after her marriage as "FCC" and her husband Francis Cornford was known as "FMC". Her father Sir Francis Darwin, a son of Charles Darwin, yet another 'Francis', was known to their family as "Frank", or as "Uncle Frank".


Francis Macdonald Cornford (1909)

Frances Crofts Darwin's Family Members

Francis Darwin Father
Ellen Wordsworth Darwin Mother
John Cornford Son (Francis Macdonald Cornford)
Christopher_Cornford Son (Francis Macdonald Cornford)
Hugh Wordsworth Cornford Son (Francis Macdonald Cornford)
Helena Cornford Daughter (Francis Macdonald Cornford)
Ruth Clare Chapman Daughter (Francis Macdonald Cornford)
Profile Information
Name:Frances Crofts Darwin
Date of Birth:Mar 30, 1886
Date of Death:Aug 19, 1960
Age:74Y 4M 20D
Country: United Kingdom
Children: 5

Frances Crofts Darwin's Family Tree

Frances Crofts Darwin's Family Tree

Frances Crofts Darwin's Pics

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