Ellen Wordsworth Darwin

British academic
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Ellen Wordsworth Darwin was an academic, a fellow and lecturer in English Literature at Newnham College in Cambridge (1879-1883), a member of the private and scholarly Ladies Dining Society at Cambridge and the second wife of the botanist Sir Francis Darwin, son of Charles Darwin. Their daughter was the poet Frances Cornford.


Francis Darwin (1883)

Ellen Wordsworth Darwin's Family Members

Frances Crofts Darwin Daughter (Francis Darwin)
Profile Information
Name:Ellen Wordsworth Darwin
Date of Birth:Jan 13, 1856
Date of Death:Aug 28, 1903
Age:47Y 7M 15D
Country: United Kingdom
Children: 1

Ellen Wordsworth Darwin's Family Tree

Ellen Wordsworth Darwin's Family Tree

Ellen Wordsworth Darwin's Pics

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