Tom Woodger

Jordan's Husband
Jordan Foster is the stylist to the stars! From her beginnings in music PR to her current work elevating celebrity wardrobes, Foster is a style guru that has always inspired us. And when we talk about this stylist, we can’t help being curious about her personal life. Her followers especially want to know who Foster is married to. Tom Woodger is a relatively private guy, though we get to catch glimpses of Jordan Foster’s husband on her social media pages. However, he is not far from the celebrity lifestyle himself. In fact, he’s been one of the genius minds behind celebrity-brand partnerships. This Tom Woodger wiki further reveals his work and relationship with Foster.


Jordan Foster (20-Jul-2013)

Tom Woodger's Family Members

Juni Margaret Daughter (Jordan Foster)
Otto Tiger Maurice Woodger Daughter (Jordan Foster)
Profile Information
Name:Tom Woodger
Date of Birth:Dec 30, 1985
Age:39Y 2M 13D
Country: United States
Children: 2

Tom Woodger's Family Tree

Tom Woodger's Family Tree

Tom Woodger's Pics

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