Talia Shire

American actress
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Talia Rose Shire is an American actress who played roles as Connie Corleone in The Godfather trilogy and Adrian Balboa in the Rocky series. For her work in The Godfather Part II and Rocky, Shire was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress, respectively, and for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama for her role in Rocky.


David Shire (1970 - 1980) - Divorced
Jack Schwartzman (1980 - 1994) - died

Talia Shire's Family Members

Carmine Coppola Father
Italia Coppola Mother
Jason Schwartzman Son (Jack Schwartzman)
Robert Schwartzman Son (Jack Schwartzman)
Matthew Orlando Shire Son (David Shire)
John Schwartzman Son (David Shire)
Stephanie Schwartzman Daughter (David Shire)
Profile Information
Name:Talia Shire
Date of Birth:Apr 25, 1946
Age:78Y 10M 18D
Country: United States
Children: 5

Talia Shire's Family Tree

Talia Shire's Family Tree

Talia Shire's Pics

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