Sultan Jahan, Begum of Bhopal

Nawab Begum of Bhopal
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Hajjah Nawab Begum (Queen) Sultan Jahan was the ruling Begum of Bhopal between 1901 and 1926. A great reformer in the tradition of her mother and grandmother, Sultan Jahan founded several important educational institutions in Bhopal, establishing free and compulsory primary education in 1918. During her reign, she had a particular focus on public instruction, especially female education. She built many technical institutes and schools and increased the number of qualified teachers. From 1920 until her death, she was the founding Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University. As of 2020, she is the only women to have served as Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University. Not just a reformer in the field of education, the Nawab Begum reformed taxation, the army, police, the judiciary and the jails, expanded agriculture, and constructed extensive irrigation and public works in the state. Also, she established an Executive and Legislative State Council in 1922 and began open elections for the municipalities. In 1914, she was the President of the All-India Muslim Ladies' Association. Sultan Jahan's primary legacy, though, was in the field of public health, as she pioneered widespread inoculation and vaccination programs and improved the water supply and standards of hygiene and sanitation. A prolific author, she wrote several books on education, health and other topics, including Hidayat uz-Zaujan, Sabil ul-Jinan, Tandurusti (Health), Bachchon-ki-Parwarish, Hidayat Timardari, Maishat-o-Moashirat. Owing to her numerous activities, she was the recipient of numerous honours and awards.


Ahmad Ali Khan Bahadur (01-Feb-1874)

Sultan Jahan, Begum of Bhopal's Family Members

Baqi Muhammad Khan Bahadur Father
[[Sultan Shah Jahan, Begum of Bhopal Mother
Hamidullah Khan Son
Profile Information
Name:Sultan Jahan, Begum of Bhopal
Date of Birth:Jul 09, 1858
Date of Death:May 12, 1930
Age:71Y 10M 3D
Country: India
Children: 1

Sultan Jahan, Begum of Bhopal's Family Tree

Sultan Jahan, Begum of Bhopal's Family Tree

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