Sheherazade Goldsmith

British environmentalist, jeweller and writer
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Sheherazade Ventura Goldsmith is a British environmentalist, jeweller and columnist. Wife of a British politician, life peer and journalist serving as Minister of State for Overseas Territories, Commonwealth, Energy, Climate and Environment since 2022, Zac Goldsmith.


Zac Goldsmith (1999 - 2010) - Divorced

Sheherazade Goldsmith's Family Members

James Goldsmith Jr. Son (Zac Goldsmith)
Thyra Goldsmith Daughter (Zac Goldsmith)
Uma Romaine Goldsmith Daughter (Zac Goldsmith)
Profile Information
Name:Sheherazade Goldsmith
Date of Birth:Mar 14, 1974
Age:50Y 10M 9D
Country: United Kingdom
Children: 3

Sheherazade Goldsmith's Family Tree

Sheherazade Goldsmith's Family Tree

Sheherazade Goldsmith's Pics

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