Prudence Murdoch

Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Prudence "Prue" Murdoch MacLeod is an Australian-British non-executive director in the media industry. Murdoch is the eldest child and daughter of Australian-born American billionaire media proprietor Rupert Murdoch. She has held several directorial roles in her father's News Corporation, and is currently a board member of Times Newspapers Ltd, a subsidiary of News Corporation.


Crispin Odey (1985 - 1986) - Divorced
Alasdair Macleod (1989)

Prudence Murdoch's Family Members

Rupert Murdoch Father
Patricia Booker Mother
James MacLeod Son (Alasdair Macleod)
Adam MacLeod Son (Alasdair Macleod)
Clementine MacLeod Daughter (Alasdair Macleod)
Profile Information
Name:Prudence Murdoch
Date of Birth:1958
Country: Australia
Children: 3

Prudence Murdoch's Family Tree

Prudence Murdoch's Family Tree

Prudence Murdoch's Pics

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