Núria Cunillera

Xavi's wife
She is a social media influencer, and She is mainly known for being the wife of one of the best players Spain has ever produced, Xavi Hernandez. Cunillera comes from Sabadell, Spain, and she is known for being the partner of World Cup winner and current head coach of FC Barcelona Xavi Hernandez.


Xavi - 2013

Núria Cunillera's Family Members

Dan Hernández Cunillera Son (Xavi)
Asia Hernández Cunillera Daughter (Xavi)
Profile Information
Name:Núria Cunillera
Date of Birth:1981
Country: Spain
Children: 2

Núria Cunillera's Family Tree

Núria Cunillera's Family Tree

Núria Cunillera's Pics

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