Michael Prinz von Preussen

German writer
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Wilhelm Heinrich Michael Louis Ferdinand Friedrich Franz Wladimir Prinz von Preussen was a member of the Hohenzollern dynasty which ruled Germany until the end of World War I. His great-grandfather Wilhelm II was the German Emperor and King of Prussia until 1918. Although Kaiser Wilhelm died in exile and his family was stripped of much of its wealth and recognition of its rank and titles by the German Republic, Michael spent nearly all of his life in Germany.

Michael Prinz von Preussen's Family Members

Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia Father
Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia Mother
Profile Information
Name:Michael Prinz von Preussen
Date of Birth:Mar 22, 1940
Date of Death:Apr 03, 2014
Age:74Y 0M 12D
Country: Germany

Michael Prinz von Preussen's Family Tree

Michael Prinz von Preussen's Family Tree

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