Maryam Nawaz

Pakistani politician
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Maryam Nawaz Sharif, also known as Maryam Safdar, is a Pakistani politician and the daughter of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif. She was initially involved in the family's philanthropic organisations. However, in 2012, she entered politics and was put in charge of the election campaign during the 2013 general election. In 2013, she was appointed the Chairperson of the Prime Minister's Youth Programme. However, she resigned in 2014 after her appointment was challenged in the Lahore High Court.


Muhammad Safdar Awan (1992)

Maryam Nawaz's Family Members

Nawaz Sharif Father
Kulsoom Nawaz Mother
Muhammad Junaid Safdar Son (Muhammad Safdar Awan)
Mahnoor Safdar Daughter (Muhammad Safdar Awan)
Mehr-un-Nisa Munir Daughter (Muhammad Safdar Awan)
Profile Information
Name:Maryam Nawaz
Date of Birth:Oct 28, 1973
Age:51Y 3M 26D
Country: Pakistan
Children: 3

Maryam Nawaz's Family Tree

Maryam Nawaz's Family Tree

Maryam Nawaz's Pics

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