Lady Annabel Goldsmith

English socialite
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Lady Annabel Goldsmith is an English socialite and the eponym for a London nightclub of the late 20th century, Annabel's. She was first married for two decades to entrepreneur Mark Birley, the creator of Annabel's, her husband's inaugural members-only Mayfair club.


Mark Birley (1954 - 1975) - Divorced
James Goldsmith (1978 - 1997) - he died

Lady Annabel Goldsmith's Family Members

Robin Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of Londonderry Parent
Romaine Combe Parent
Rupert Birley Child
Robin Birley Child
India Jane Birley Child
Zac Goldsmith Son (James Goldsmith)
Ben Goldsmith Son (James Goldsmith)
Jemima Goldsmith Daughter (James Goldsmith)
Profile Information
Name:Lady Annabel Goldsmith
Date of Birth:Jun 11, 1934
Age:90Y 7M 12D
Country: United Kingdom
Children: 3

Lady Annabel Goldsmith's Family Tree

Lady Annabel Goldsmith's Family Tree

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