Kasturba Gandhi

freedom activist
Biography (Source: WikiPedia)
Kasturbai Mohandas Gandhi was an Indian political activist who was involved in the Indian independence movement in British India. She was married to Mohandas Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi. National Safe Motherhood Day is observed in India annually on April 11, coinciding with Kasturbai's birthday.


Mahatma Gandhi (1883)

Kasturba Gandhi's Family Members

Harilal Gandhi Son (Mahatma Gandhi)
Manilal Gandhi Son (Mahatma Gandhi)
Ramdas Gandhi Son (Mahatma Gandhi)
Profile Information
Name:Kasturba Gandhi
Date of Birth:Apr 11, 1869
Date of Death:Feb 22, 1944
Age:74Y 10M 11D
Country: India
Children: 3

Kasturba Gandhi's Family Tree

Kasturba Gandhi's Family Tree

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